Game Concepts
The character has three scales that are consumed over the course of game time: thirst, hunger and sleep. Thirst is consumed faster, sleep - slower. If at least one scale drops to zero, a gradual loss of health will begin. Also, the character will not be able to run and jump, and stamina regeneration will be extremely slow. To get rid of negative effects, you need to fill the scale to 100%.

Stamina is spent on all active actions: attacking, running and jumping. When diving, it acts as a breathing reserve. The total volume of this scale and the speed of regeneration are the character's developed skills. In addition, food and drink prepared according to special recipes provide a noticeable increase.
The character has three movement modes: normal walking, sneaking (crouching) and running. Sneak mode allows you to aim more accurately, study objects with an increased Science skill, and also pickpocket.
Running mode allows you to move at double speed, but costs stamina.
Typically, the cursor has the shape of a crosshair, with the left mouse button being an attack and the right mouse button being aimed. The effect of crouching stacks with the effect of aiming.
If a hostile creature is in the crosshairs, the crosshair turns red.
If an interactive object hits the crosshair, you immediately see its name.
When the player hovers the cursor over an interactive item in close proximity, the character enters interaction mode. The cursor shape changes and mouse key prompts appear.
In interaction mode, the left mouse button is usually associated with collecting loot, and the right one means exploring an object.
Each object has a certain “cost of study”; for successful study, a sufficient level of scientific skill development is required. When the character enters crouch mode, the science skill increases by one.
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